Rethinking participation
A reflection on the prospects and potential for communities and their natural resources in the light of their own traditions, inner character and the forces impinging upon them.
Using His Own Savings, Teacher Revives 22 Ancient & Neglected Lakes, Ponds
The effort has helped about 1,500 people access clean water from the freshly rejuvenated ponds and lakes
Phasepardhis, from Hunters to Keepers: Journey of Transformation
Phasepardhis, an adivasi community, use their traditional knowledge to regenerate grasslands and support its wildlife, enhancing livelihoods
Budget & Zero Budget Farming
Natural/ Organic Farming is about the relation of the human race with nature and about empowering the farming community comprehensively...
फासेपारधी आणि तणमोर (in Marathi)
एक शिकारी जमात आज पक्षी-संवर्धन आणि माळरान-पुनरुज्जीवनाच्या माध्यमातून स्वतःसाठी सन्मानजनक उपजीविकेची निर्मिती करीत आहे.
महिला किसानों की पहाड़ी खेती (in Hindi)
जलवायु बदलाव के दौर में पहाड़ी इलाकों में परंपरागत खेती की पुनः वापिसी हुई है। जैव विविधता और पर्यावरण का संरक्षण हुआ है। महिला सशक्तीकरण हुआ है।
Kondh Ingenuity: An Unsentimental Reverence to Nature
In the month of April, at the Bihan Parab festival, people come together to share seeds for the upcoming cultivation cycle, ensuring equity.
Dump the AC, Use These 3 Green Cooling Solutions While Building Your Home!
"Everything we build from now onwards has to be eco-sensitive, energy efficient, cost efficient, people-centred and value-based."
How mangrove nurseries are changing the lives of Odisha women & the forest around them
Mangrove forests act as natural bio-shields against the tidal surges of severe storms and protect the life and property of coastal communities