Transformations – Wellbeing

In Korchi taluka, villages are moving towards transformation in multiple spheres, and are re-defining development and wellbeing

Something Is Wrong With the Language of Climate Change

There is little room to understand what really is at stake: the fate of humanity and several other species.

Reimagining Wellbeing: Villages opening spaces for Self-Governance

resisting mining ... and moving towards social, political, economic and ecological transformation

The Ecosystem of Learning

Reimagining an Earth-centric and child-centric education

An initiative to make native rice, vegetable varieties available to urban consumers

Helping farmers cultivating native varieties to get better prices for their produce by making it available to the greater public

How to create an Oasis

They are replacing the invasive species - gando babool - with mixed varieties of native seeds that can withstand heavy /normal /low rainfall

How India’s Indigenous Farmers Are Successfully Resisting Climate Change

They let at least ten species of pests, insects, ants, flies, earthworms, spiders, birds and other pollinators to thrive on their lands.

Kutch’s Wagad or Kala cotton: Back from the (almost) dead

Desi cotton could replace a majority of the area that is currently under American cotton, in light of climate change-related weather vagaries...