How a Clown in Delhi Is Helping Ailing Kids Cope With Tough Times

The clowns enter singing and dancing as they use balloons to ease the atmosphere of stress that the patients and caregivers are undergoing.

Back to the aboriginal

What does sustainable living with minimal money look like? Especially after you settle to live on a tenth of your last pay cheque?

We are addicted to convenience, and it’s a fatal attraction both for us and the planet

Ready-made meals, motorised transport, smartphones make our lives a lot easier, but at what cost?

Sattvik food aroma suffused with wisdom

The festival (in its 14th year now) is creating awareness about the nutrient-rich food from various areas so that urban people can adopt healthier food habits and lifestyle.

Why Odisha’s Tribal Women Are Returning to Their Natural Roots for Guidance on Food

These women are going back to their native wisdom to, at least, secure the health of their coming generations.

In Search of Women’s Health

A gynaecological survey under a health programme shows the devastating situation of women of an Indore slum and how it has been considerably improved

Reviving a River, Reviving a Lost Culture

Tribal elders in downstream communities seek restoration of Myntdu River that has been destroyed by decades of coal mining.

अरुणिमा : खुशियों की संभावनाएं (in Hindi)

अरुणिमा - केंद्र ने विकलांगता की तस्वीर बदली

Social Innovators in Udaipur: Interview with Santosh Padwal

In the race (of life in current times) we have forgotten the cultural heritage that we have inherited. And we want to bring it back into popular existence.