This Bengaluru Artist Is Using Art To Draw Attention To Potholes & Provoke The Govt Into Action

Baadal Nanjundaswamy has been making art around current civic issues for the past decade.

Environmental & Economic Sustainability, Social Harmony and Social Transmutation : an example towards Self-rule/Swaraj

On an average, around one hundred people worked daily for around one and a half years to dig the canal through the mountain.

From Close Quarters: Protecting an Adivasi Culture the State Wants to Destroy

The unrest in and around Bastar is fundamentally about respect, dignity and trust in our behaviour towards other people

Comments on National Energy Policy

Energy sector should be democratised, with policy-making, decisions, management, etc. in the hands of the people along with state institutions.

Forest Conservation and Management in Pachgaon

A small village called Pachgaon, in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra has done commendable work on forest management and livelihood generation.

Shaheed Hospital

Chhattisgarh's Shaheed Hospital has been built and is being run by workers themselves. It provides them with many state-of-the-art facilities.

श्रमजीवियों का स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र (in Hindi)

यह स्वास्थ्य कार्यक्रम पूरी तरह आत्मनिर्भर है। यहां कम खर्च में बेहतर इलाज किया जाता है।

मजदूरों का अपना अस्पताल (in Hindi)

छत्तीसगढ़ का शहीद अस्पताल लौह खदानों के मजदूरोंने खुद बनाया है। उनके लिए कई अत्याधुनिक सुविधाएं यहाँ उपलब्ध हैं। वे इस पर गर्व करते हैं।

Towards radical democracy in India

Representatives' obligations would include highly constrained ‘delegated’ responsibility whereby they are subject to clear mandates given by the delegators or electorate rather than attaining independent power, they can be recalled and must report back, among other responsibilities.