Videos – Environment Session of Janta Parliament, 18 August 2020

Organised by several dozen networks and organisations of people's movements and civil society

People’s Parliament: Agrarian Crisis Deepened During COVID Pandemic

The house adopted a series of resolutions that will be tabled before parliamentarians in the run-up to the monsoon session

Janta Parliament: Resolutions Passed in Session on Environment, 18 August 2020

Over 30 resolutions relating to eight subjects passed at the Environment session

Jan Sarokar – People’s Policy for Post COVID-19 Times, August 2020

Opportunity to redesign our economy towards generating tens of millions of ecologically sustainable and dignified livelihoods.

Young activist aims to bring India’s tribal wisdom to the climate fight

Her strong work in advocacy and research, promoting the traditional knowledge and cultural practices of indigenous communities.

महात्मा गाँधी ने फ़ोन किया मोदी जी को (in Hindi)

‘स्वराज’ आएगा तब जब लोग इतने सक्षम हो जाएँगे कि सत्ता के दुरुपयोग का विरोध कर सकें।

Lord Ram and His not very Humble Abode

Does the grand Ayodhya temple ceremony ensure that the common Indian will find Ram in this temple?

Shifting lives in the mangroves

Is concrete the way forward in rebuilding the Sunderbans?

The Story of Baiga Women of Kutelidadar

Addressing their ‘darr (fear)’ of dealing with state agencies, a group of Baiga women tackled their water scarcity problem