Colonisers and colonized

Living in a non-colonising way; resistance coupled with alternatives, often conceived of as prefigurative politics, can indeed lead to justice, equity, and sustainability.

All Ladakh Goba Association (Leh district) formed to strengthen goba system

This Association will take up various issues relating to gobas, to help strengthen their role for the benefit of Ladakhi society as a whole.

Perumbakkam way- Community efforts towards climate resilience

Helping community members bounce back from difficulties and improve their capacity to face risks, environmental or otherwise.

Living bioregionally, now

One compelling idea being put forward is that of bioregional forms of governance, which start from the biophysical realities of ecosystems, which are particular and even unique to places.

Press Release: Urgent Need to Support Goba System of Ladakh- 20-21 Sept 2022

The goba system is still highly relevant for Ladakhi society and people have laid out recommendations for its continuation.


Encouraging the UT Administration and the Hill Council, along with Ladakhi society, to recognise and strengthen the goba (or nambardar) system.

Community Forest Rights & The Pandemic: Gram Sabhas Lead the Way (in Malayalam)

Empowerment of villagers to govern and manage local natural resources can sustain economies!

Indigenous-led conservation in Nagaland preserves rare wildlife

‘We want to know what animals live here and how to better protect them.’ said the local community.

These Alternative Economies Are Inspirations for a Sustainable World

Approaches to integrate sustainability, equality and diversity, giving everyone, especially the most marginalized, a voice.