Something Is Wrong With the Language of Climate Change

There is little room to understand what really is at stake: the fate of humanity and several other species.

Tula: A Return to India’s Regenerative Cotton Roots

Tula has a policy of not exporting their fabric or clothing, despite many requests.

Andhra Pradesh Approves DISCOM-Driven Rooftop Solar Program

DISCOM to play the role of a facilitator - the program will benefit both consumers and the DISCOM.

Principles of Transformative Alternatives

To build various kinds of systemic alternatives together into a larger movement ... and to jointly envision a future

Insect-eating bird population drops in heavily extracted Himalayan oak forests

Encourage local communities to capitalise on the increased bird tourism in Uttarakhand by setting up homestays ...

India’s growing solar power programme could leave behind a trail of waste

A few materials used in the solar panel, like polymers, lead and cadmium compounds, are potentially environmentally hazardous.

B’luru Residents Turn Kitchen Waste Into 100 Kg of Biogas, Help Eatery Cook 3,000 Meals/Day!

Four tonnes of processed domestic waste generate 100 kg of bio-gas which is used by a restaurant to cook 3,000 meals a day.

TEDx Talk on Vikalp Sangam

An environmentalist inspires us to think and plan for the future, to focus on the positives, on the solutions, for a better life. He inspires us to dream.

The story behind the Solar Village Project Solar Initiative in Tamil Nadu’s Irumbai

Depending on the traffic to the search engine, the group will install a certain number of solar panels in the village.