ecological sustainability
Ka Iqbal: My host of Ladakh

Anshul recalls wonderful memories of Ka Iqbal, disability rights activist in Ladakh

Ka Iqbal’s legacy will live on

Kaga Iqbal's huge contribution to the disability sector in Ladakh

Seeding Hope: Women’s Collectives Create Pathways for Change

Women’s collectives, village assemblies, and even individual women farmers came forward to extend relief to people.

Gond community to drop ancient cremation ritual to save trees

The Gond community has decided to bury instead of cremating their dead, with an aim to reduce the number of trees cut for funeral pyres.

Ecological Importance of Dry Toilets

One understands where one’s waste is going; and there is no hierarchization as the ‘user’ and the ‘cleaner’ is the same person here.

Productive Efficiency Of Traditional Multiple Cropping Systems Compared To Monocultures Of Seven Crop Species: A Benchmark Study

These family farms support cereals, fruit trees, tuber plants, vines, herbs, and vertebrate and invertebrate fauna

India’s Youth Have a Right and Duty to Resist and Create; Elders Need to Enable This or Get Out of the Way

Enable the flourishing of the youth’s own agency, be available for guiding, give them a sense of history, facilitate a range of options

Meet the man conserving otters in Maharashtra’s Western Ghats

“I am the king of Tillari River; I kill the diseased fish and maintain the health of the river system.”

Statement on The Uttarakhand Tragedy

Constitute an independent multi-disciplinary expert group to carry out a comprehensive review