ecological sustainability
A Village of Abundance

Giving up the practice of law for the sake of farming, he learns from and empowers local 'uneducated' people.

Sarus Crane Population in Bhoj on the Rise Due to Community Effort

As their practices were harming the birds, the farmers decided to start using organic fertilisers and pesticides since 2013.

India’s permaculture movement is being taken forward by young people

The principles of permaculture suggest observing and interacting with nature, obtaining yield,  capturing and storing energy, drawing from natural patterns, producing zero waste, accepting feedback and regulating self.

Artisan-supportive Innovative Enterpreunership in Ladakh

Creating local employment in Ladakh, a semi-nomadic entrepreneur is developing a support system for local artisans

In India, forest rights means forest conservation

CFR rights enable successful ecological restoration of forests, biodiversity conservation and food and livelihood security.

These Alternative Economies Are Inspirations for a Sustainable World

Approaches to integrate sustainability, equality and diversity, giving everyone, especially the most marginalized, a voice.

Why the ancient myristica swamps need more protection

The evergreen trees living in the waterlogged conditions of the swamps feature bizarre-looking roots: knee roots and stilt roots.

Sundarlal Bahuguna: A Himalayan voice for ecological truth and social justice

Generations of activists learnt from him about the connection between forests, livelihoods, gender inequalities, and the sheer injustice of ‘development’

Rethinking Youth Activism

Dissent and democracy go together. We must rethink, accept and create space for youth activism and strengthen legal & democratic institutions