Electric vehicles are only one part of sustainable transit

Reducing per capita car ownership and driving miles is required.

Avoiding Airpocalypse: It’s Time to Move Beyond Quick Fixes and Tackle the Root Cause of Crisis

The fixation on economic growth indicators has blinded our decision-makers to the enormous social and ecological damage such growth causes.

सम और विषम से आगे (in Hindi)

'टिकाऊ शहरी परिवहन' को लागू करने से देश को एक रास्ता और हमारे बच्चों को स्वच्छ और सुरक्षित शहर मिल सकता है.

Which way will we walk?

'We have the power to change'

Reduce vehicles, introduce Efficient Public Transport

City needs to put in place strong disincentives (like creating car-free areas) discouraging the use of personal conveyance.

Raahgiri Day turns ‘1’!

On November 16, 2014, “Raahgiri Day – Apni Rahen, Apni Azaadi” completed 1 year in Gurgaon. It has been a commendable journey with thousands participating every Sunday.

A cycling India: To carve an alternative growth trail

The high ownership, low cost and easy use of bicycles make the bicycle a desirable mode of transport for many of the trips made in cities.