Shepherd from Karnataka builds 14 ponds on barren hill, turns his village green

"Wherever I take up 5-6 ft of digging, there will be water which will not dry up … even during summers.”

पक्षियों का गांव है मेनार (IN HINDI)

तरबूज-खरबूज की खेती छोड़ी पक्षियों के लिए !

3D Modelling for Participatory Water Management

Participants started discussing amongst themselves landscape features in their villages and demarcated forest, roads, wells, etc.

Kashmiri Pandit, Muslim Artists Come Together to Promote Harmony Through Their Work

Unique exhibition aimed at promoting the ideas of harmony and togetherness through the medium of art

Two conservation communities from northeast India win biodiversity awards

The realisation that the community-controlled forest was home to many endemic species helped ... provide protection to all species here.

Tosa Maidan Liberation & Conservation Struggle: A successful struggle of Non-violent & Democratic means in Kashmir

Following year-long demonstrations by the local villagers, the Government of J&K made a decision. TosaMaidan was handed over to its people.

A league of extraordinary women

“The cases we resolve act as moral support to other victims of violence. "

Is this Artisans’ ‘Transformation’?

Artisans of Kachchh have entrepreneurial skills, too, which retailers like Amazon need to recognize

More Questions Than Answers: Is There Indeed an Alternate Development Paradigm?

Answers need to be pursued to transition from a peripheral intellectual wishful debate to mainstream positive action on the ground.