Biodiversity Conservation
Gadchiroli Admin’s Initiative for development through gram sabhas

The project will incorporate concepts of bio-diversity conservation and sustainable development with the participation of gram sabhas.

सतपुड़ा की घाटी में हरियाली (in Hindi)

आदिवासियों की पेड़ लगाने की पहल से न केवल हरियाली बढी है, उनकी खाद्य सुरक्षा हुई है, आमदनी बढ़ी है। इससे महामारी में बड़ा सहारा मिला है।

Location, Port Design Could Spell Doom for Turtles at Galathea Bay: Experts

The NBWL has denotified Galathea Bay wildlife sanctuary for an “international shipment project”, with no mitigation plan in sight.

The New Scientific Revolution

The Citizen Science movement in India is re-envisioning scientific endeavour, public literacy, and participation.

Gond community to drop ancient cremation ritual to save trees

The Gond community has decided to bury instead of cremating their dead, with an aim to reduce the number of trees cut for funeral pyres.

A wagtail on shared space, birdwatching and hope

'Wagtails feed on insects and protect our ecosystem' say the local children, who now observe birds and make checklists.

Nature’s profusion

One realizes that as an individual one is made of the fabric of the collective

Transformations – Wellbeing

In Korchi taluka, villages are moving towards transformation in multiple spheres, and are re-defining development and wellbeing

Uncultivated foods – The hidden treasure

They are now involved in creating Food Forest for in-situ conservation of these wild food sources inside the forest