alternative education
University Without Classrooms, Teachers, Degrees, Curriculum, Exams: Swaraj University

Democratic education has helped khojis be more tolerant, patient and learn to look at other’s point of view- which is very essential in today’s living.

A Digital Book Library for Blind Students Is Helping Them Visualise a Bright Future

Bengaluru based Samarthanam Trust for Disabled has 5,000 audio books to help students with disabilities achieve their educational goals.

Offering Learning Experiences to Children

Training is given in such a way as to develop varied talents – be it music, painting, dance, farming or martial art.

The school on the hill

Their years in school must enhance and reinforce the traditional knowledge and skills of their community. Every child contributes in farming and tending to the animals with innate enthusiasm.

Debating rice in the forest of learning

A brilliant school in Tamil Nadu, free for Adivasis and Dalits, but denied state recognition

Marudam Farm School: becoming while it is being

Children are exposed to a conscious way of living that respects the environment and its diversity within an organic farm that is also mostly powered by renewable energy ...

Photos: Maharashtra school kids capture hidden lives of animals

In mid-2014, professional camera traps were set up. Before long, the hidden world of mammals – particularly at night – began to reveal itself.

Vikalp Sangam Posters: Ideas and Initiatives

A set of posters photographically narrating the idea of Vikalp Sangam through examples in various catagories is exhibited at every Vikalp Sangam gathering.

Gap year Pays for Life

Students need to get breathing space, to get their bearings for the journey ahead, to find their passion and avocation.