Maha gramsabha: A Unique Initiative In Central India

Apart from resistance against mining and implementation of forest rights, what other activities are taking place at the MGS level?

The arrogance of the ignorant

Forests inhabited by Adivasis are some of the best conserved in the subcontinent ... and ‘indigenous knowledge’ is invaluable.

From Lodhi Garden to your dining table: Foraging for food in New Delhi

“Most of the plants dismissed as weeds are edible and we don’t even know it. We walk past them every day ..."

Bhimashankar Tribes Take Destiny in Hand

Empowered local villagers are curbing hunting and tree cutting, protecting forest-grown vegetables and native trees and their seeds

How development excludes Adivasi peoples

Spaces need to be created for inter-generational learning for young Adivasi peoples, where adults in the community can impart local knowledge

Dryland farming revolution by dalit and adivasi women … and some men!

DDS has helped achieve food sovereignty and security for several thousand families, as also empower these women towards autonomy

बच्चों की फुलवारी (in Hindi)

फुलवारी में बच्चों को स्वादिष्ट, गरम पतला और मुलायम भोजन के साथ उनका खास ध्यान रखा जाता है।

Dissolution of traditional Adivasi structures for modernity

"There are a lot of lessons to be learnt from Adivasi communities, which have an equitable structure and provide opportunities for everyone to grow.”

Indian tribe revives heirloom seeds for health and climate security

“The soil is us. We live in these hills as one entity, and that is most important.”