‘Save Pangolin’ by Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra

The team, in collaboration with the Forest Department, has rescued many pangolins and ensured their release in the wild.

Seed festivals put spotlight on conservation of indigenous seeds

Local and endemic crops that have evolved over time are a rich source of nutrition.

Community seed banks give Sahariyas a new lease of life

Seed banks focusing on collection of grain varieties that used to be consumed by the Sahariyas for ages ...

Nutrition gardens help students learn better and eat better

The students come up with solutions and innovations to maintain the garden in a sustainable manner.

Stories of Change – case studies on Development Action and Impact

Encouraging social sector organisations to invest in developing a grounded knowledge base

सीएए-एनआरसी के ख़िलाफ़ आए आदिवासी बोले, सरकार के कागज़ों के मकड़जाल में नहीं फंसेंगे (in Hindi)

जिस जंगल में उनके पुरखों के अंश गड़े है, वो अपने हक का इससे बड़ा और क्या सबूत दे

Radio aids revival of dying tribal language

Started in Jan. 2020 the pre-recorded radio programmes have so far been aired on 16 different occasions

जैविक खेती की ओर मुड़े बिरहोर (in Hindi)

जलवायु बदलाव को देखते हुए देसी बीजों की मिश्रित खेती को बढ़ावा दिया जा रहा है।कोदो, कुटकी, धान की देसी किस्में,जो कम पानी में भी पक जाती हैं।

How to Save Forest Culture? ‘Silent’ Battle by Odisha’s Kondhs is The Right Lesson

The men, women and children from every family worked on a war footing to replant, restore and replenish the beauty of their aboriginal mother – the jungle.