Society, Culture and Peace

Enhancing socio-cultural well-being, ensuring justice and equity

Featured here are initiatives to enhance social and cultural aspects of human life: the revival and progressive use of visual, performing, and other arts, of the myriad crafts of the country, of threatened or submerged languages, of food and cuisine diversity, and other such cultural traits and processes. They also cover the various struggles and constructive movements to achieve social justice, to reduce inequalities and inequities of various kinds including caste, class, gender, ethnicity, and religion, and to create dignity in living for those currently oppressed and exploited. Finally, they include movements to generate ethical living and thinking, and spread values such as simplicity, honesty, frugality, and tolerance.

This toll-free helpline is helping people in Maharashtra cope with Covid fatigue, anger, panic

With several adolescents reaching out for help, 15 more counsellors now exclusively address their concerns. 9594972342

When dugong and D’Souza spent the whole day underwater watching each other

There is hope for slow-breeding sea cows around A&N islands - they are not isolated.

Community restores grasslands in Lamkani, making the village drought-resilient

"Conservation in community-protected grasslands succeeds because is tied to the livelihoods of the people,”

The Making of Khwaabgaon: How an Idyllic Village in Bengal Became an Artist’s Canvas

Villagers ceremonially put a fresh coat of mud on their walls start painting on them

Gond community to drop ancient cremation ritual to save trees

The Gond community has decided to bury instead of cremating their dead, with an aim to reduce the number of trees cut for funeral pyres.

The Water Managers in Kibber

The irrigation technique is passed on from mother to daughter, from the time little girls start helping in the fields.

Telling Stories, Creating Change

For Uttarakhand youth - a platform to engage mountain communities in ecological conservation

संथाली बच्चों के घर पहुंचा स्कूल (in Hindi)

बच्चों के घऱ आया स्कूल, अध्ययन केंद्र में पढ़ाई हो रही है।

A wagtail on shared space, birdwatching and hope

'Wagtails feed on insects and protect our ecosystem' say the local children, who now observe birds and make checklists.