
Environmental conservation and sustainability, respecting ecological integrity and limits

The search for dignified, ecologically sustainable and meaningful livelihoods and jobs is featured in this section. This includes the continuation and enhancement of fulfilling traditional occupations that communities choose to continue, including in agriculture, pastoralism, forestry, fisheries, crafts, and others in the primary economy. It also includes sustainable, dignified jobs in manufacturing and service sectors where producers and service-providers are in control of their destinies and revenues are equitably distributed.

Rearing goats empower women in rural Bihar

The women said that income from goats was theirs and they decided its usage.

From ‘Tent Nazir’ to ‘RTI Nazir’: Towards governance accountability in Kashmir, India

His passion for making the system accountable, through the dogged use of the RTI Act, takes up much of his time.

Reviving indigenous seeds: A silent revolution in India’s rice growing states

The silent seed revolution has only begun, and Nel Jayaraman’s efforts in Tamil Nadu have triggered many seed festivals across Tamil Nadu.

महिलाओं की मेहनत रंग लाई (in Hindi)

इससे महिलाएं आत्मनिर्भर हुई हैं, उनके परिवार की आर्थिक स्थिति मजबूत हुई है, बच्चों की शिक्षा बेहतर हुई है।

Community-based Tourism in Pawalgarh

Ecotourism leads the way for conservation and better livelihood opportunities for local youth

Owning No Land Couldn’t Stop This Couple From Starting an Organic Revolution!

Each product gives details of farmers' names, villages and contacts. People can directly contact the farmers for their produce.

आदिवासियों के पौष्टिक अनाजों की खेती (in Hindi)

यह पौष्टिक अनाज लोगों को पोषणयुक्त भोजन देंगे। मिट्टी पानी के संरक्षण वाली देसी खेती बचेगी, लुप्त हो रहे देसी बीज बचेंगे, छत्तीसगढ़ की कृषि संस्कृति बचेगी, खाद्य सुरक्षा होगी।

From idea to community-owned enterprise: the journey of the Mukteshwar Farmers’ Producer Company (MKPC)

Based in Uttarakhand’s fruit belt, MKPC is a homegrown enterprise - started by a local NGO, but taken over by the farming community

Tharangini – The Oldest Surviving Hand-Block Printing Studio in Bangalore

Tharangini works towards sustainability of the environment. This is commendable and desirable in other garment and dyeing factories.