
Environmental conservation and sustainability, respecting ecological integrity and limits

The search for dignified, ecologically sustainable and meaningful livelihoods and jobs is featured in this section. This includes the continuation and enhancement of fulfilling traditional occupations that communities choose to continue, including in agriculture, pastoralism, forestry, fisheries, crafts, and others in the primary economy. It also includes sustainable, dignified jobs in manufacturing and service sectors where producers and service-providers are in control of their destinies and revenues are equitably distributed.

Beeing: Harmonious, Slow, Tenacious

Sustainable harvest of honey and conservation of bees while employing the values of small-scale production, rural-livelihood development and women empowerment

On a journey to find where the wild things grow

Chefs, scholars and farmer collectives are trying to document the medicinal and nutritional value of wild foods

Changing lives around the Mahakali

Women's role in governance, water management and conservation pivotal for transboundary water dialogues with villages across the river in Uttarakhand

हर घर का फैमिली फार्मर बनाना होगा (in Hindi)

बीजोत्सव से किसान और उपभोक्ताओं के बीच संबंध बन रहा है, बिचौलियों की भूमिका कम हो रही है और किसानों को उनकी फसल का उचित दाम मिल रहा है

Open Prisons Work – Lessons From India

Open prisons are a humane solution for rehabilitation, leading to negligible rates of recidivism, at a fraction of the cost of regular prisons.

जंगल और नदी कैसे बचाते हैं भारिया? (In Hindi)

भारिया आदिवासियों का जंगल व नदी बचाने का अपना तरीका है, वे जंगल की कटाई-छंटाई और नदी की साफ करते हैं, बल्कि उन्होंने पीढ़ियों से देसी पौष्टिक अनाज भी बचाए हैं

Forest rights good for forests too: This Odisha village shows how

The independence and ownership of the forest have allowed the villagers to regenerate the woods with depleted vegetation. 

Artisanal soaps to lavender tea, Chhattisgarh’s gobar revolution is helping rural women

It is now in the process of transforming these gauthans into what it calls rural industrial parks, or centres for cottage industries that the government hopes will create retail products that can “compete with the market”.

The Threads of Empowerment

The women today value their skills, feel dignified about their work, earn for their families, and want equal status in the household. They no longer stand silently before violence.