Knowledge and Media

Knowledge and media as empowering and enabling tools for equity and sustainability

This section features stories of use of knowledge as an empowering and enabling tool for a more equitable and ecologically sustainable world. This includes: Initiatives that encourage cross-fertilisation between ideas, promotes information exchange and transcends boundaries between modern and traditional, formal and informal, and urban and rural spheres of knowledge; Initiatives that make information access free, or easier in places usually neglected, considered ‘remote’ or disconnected; Initiatives to make knowledge part of the ‘commons’ rather than a commodity, privately owned or controlled; Also initiatives that promote an alternative media that raises questions ignored or deliberately allowed to remain hidden in the mainstream media, and innovative use of media to communicate enabling information.

अखबार की पगडंडी (in Hindi)

एक ऐसा अखबार जो सिर्फ सकारात्मक खबरें छापता है, बदलाव की कोशिश करता है

These Uttarakhand villages run their own Instagram channel

Young people from the villages of Munsiari block of Pithoragarh district upload photos and share stories — of their lives, forests, colours of seasons and mountains

इस गांव के लोग चलाते हैं अपना इंस्टाग्राम चैनल (in Hindi)

इंस्टाग्राम चैनल तथाकथिक शहरी और ग्रामीण लोगों के बीच पुल की तरह काम कर रहा है।

Nagaland’s docu-film bags first prize

“We want to show the people and the government about the importance of sustaining the cultivation of millets for maintaining agro-bio diversity,”

Twist of the Tongue

Using mobile phones and Bluetooth, the Pahadi Korbas of Chhattisgarh record and share songs of their community and rediscover a dying language.

The Miracle of ‘Bluetooth’ Radio

All messages and songs recorded in the district over the day, in local languages such as Kuduk, reach every villager in this manner, free of charge.

रेडियो ‘ब्लूटूथ’ कर रहा है कमाल (in Hindi)

हर गाँव से एक व्यक्ति हर सुबह अपने ग्राम पंचायत के दफ़्तर में आकर अपने ब्लूटूथ वाले मोबाइल फ़ोन में 'कुडुक' भाषा में बने रेडियो कार्यक्रम को डाउनलोड करता है.

A Digital Book Library for Blind Students Is Helping Them Visualise a Bright Future

Bengaluru based Samarthanam Trust for Disabled has 5,000 audio books to help students with disabilities achieve their educational goals.

Weather Wise

Its areal view even shows you the condition of clouds in your area.