Knowledge and Media

Knowledge and media as empowering and enabling tools for equity and sustainability

This section features stories of use of knowledge as an empowering and enabling tool for a more equitable and ecologically sustainable world. This includes: Initiatives that encourage cross-fertilisation between ideas, promotes information exchange and transcends boundaries between modern and traditional, formal and informal, and urban and rural spheres of knowledge; Initiatives that make information access free, or easier in places usually neglected, considered ‘remote’ or disconnected; Initiatives to make knowledge part of the ‘commons’ rather than a commodity, privately owned or controlled; Also initiatives that promote an alternative media that raises questions ignored or deliberately allowed to remain hidden in the mainstream media, and innovative use of media to communicate enabling information.

This Indian student’s video on climate change won a global competition

Adarsh Prathap underlines the importance of mangroves and shows how their conservation can save thousands of lives

Tune in: What did Buddhist monks hear when they meditated in Goan caves in the 6th century?

“It is important to preserve this experience. Sound is just an alternate exploration of information and an experience...”

मालवा के कबीर से एक मुलाकात (In Hindi)

कबीर भजनों के साथ साथ बातचीत करना, चाय पीना, दोस्ती बढ़ाना और अपने दुख-दर्दों को आपस में बांटना और इन भजनों में इसके समाधान ढूंढ़ना, लोगों को इससे जोड़ता है।

Indigenous Peoples Day: Through the Lens of Women

Sensing the urgency to document traditional knowledge that elders possess, Chirhah has helped make films like ‘Millet-Securing livelihoods’

Amid fund crunch, CGNet Swara eyes shift to Bluetooth radio tech

Under the Digital India campaign, optical fibre cables are being laid at the village level. That makes it possible for “Bluetooth radio" to work.

PM sees in Chhattisgarh’s Radio Bultoo an example worth emulating for farmers

"Radio Bultoo", Chhattisgarh's version of disseminating information through bluetooth-enabled mobile phones in local languages, fascinated the PM

To beat the drought, women farmers of Anantapur have entered the millet revolution in Andhra

With government support, they are now falling back to their traditional farming practices for a better living.

Tamil Nadu farmers fight drought with organic farming

Traditional crops have medicinal value, are well-suited to the local soil conditions and can survive drought

Hyderabad’s Human Library

This ingenious project celebrates knowledge sharing and treats human beings as books, you can even borrow one for 20-30 minutes