Knowledge and Media

Knowledge and media as empowering and enabling tools for equity and sustainability

This section features stories of use of knowledge as an empowering and enabling tool for a more equitable and ecologically sustainable world. This includes: Initiatives that encourage cross-fertilisation between ideas, promotes information exchange and transcends boundaries between modern and traditional, formal and informal, and urban and rural spheres of knowledge; Initiatives that make information access free, or easier in places usually neglected, considered ‘remote’ or disconnected; Initiatives to make knowledge part of the ‘commons’ rather than a commodity, privately owned or controlled; Also initiatives that promote an alternative media that raises questions ignored or deliberately allowed to remain hidden in the mainstream media, and innovative use of media to communicate enabling information.

Recreating the joy of learning

How to create a pretty coloured leaf - how to drain out the “green” element from the leaf, and how to dry it, undamaged?

Forest Rights Act and Conservation in Korchi

The Forest Rights Act has changed the lives of hundreds of people, helping them to protect their forests and increase their incomes

Hill community was losing touch with its language. Then it turned to Whatsapp

They share stories, poems and songs in Runglwo, giving members a chance to learn and practise the language.

उत्‍तराखंड की इस विलुप्‍त होती भाषा को बचाने में वॉट्सऐप बना मददगार (in Hindi)

विविध सोशल मीडिया पर कई ग्रुप बन गए जहां लोग रंगलो भाषा में ऑडियो रिकॉर्डिंग पोस्‍ट करने लगे। रंगलो के शब्‍द और उनके अर्थ भी शेयर हो रहे हैं

How a community radio gives voice to the climate-vulnerable in Tamil Nadu

Community Radio used in order to mobilise people before disasters, spread awareness and precautions, provide psychological support

Combating Desertification: Maharashtra’s Vanvadi Bears Testimony to Magic of Forest Regeneration

Regenerating forests, rejuvenating soils, recharging groundwater, and reviving human spirits, all go hand in hand!

Khabar Lahariya brings women’s voices to rural media in India

Khabar Lahariya’s biggest impact has been to establish a cadre of full-time rural women reporters from marginalized communities

Bhovi – traditional well diggers in Bengaluru

It is the Bhovi community that is helping dig, clean and maintain all these wells across Bengaluru.

Making maps to protect fishing villages around Chennai

The fishermen were able to show the maps in the previous management plan as evidence that this was their workplace.