Environment and Ecology

Environmental conservation and sustainability, respecting ecological integrity and limits

This section relates to initiatives that promote the principles of ecological integrity and limits. These are initiatives which envision models of decentralized conservation of land, water and biodiversity, based on a respect for both local and modern knowledge, and considering environment as an integral part of life and work. It also highlight attempts at linking livelihoods to ecological regeneration and restoration at local and landscape level. It will feature innovative attempts to deal with problems of pollution and waste. Overall, this section will try to work towards an understanding of the ecosystem which includes sociological, historical and geographical considerations while deciding on the path that local urban/ rural communities and the larger society take towards well-being.

Traversing Climate Change

The relationship between the herd and the shepherd is one of mutual dependency; the herd is the herders' family.

The Water Managers in Kibber

The irrigation technique is passed on from mother to daughter, from the time little girls start helping in the fields.

Telling Stories, Creating Change

For Uttarakhand youth - a platform to engage mountain communities in ecological conservation

Uttarakhand women end water woes on their own; revive dry water springs

Women from the village made recharge pits, check dams, bunds and planted trees in the recharge zone of the spring

संथाली बच्चों के घर पहुंचा स्कूल (in Hindi)

बच्चों के घऱ आया स्कूल, अध्ययन केंद्र में पढ़ाई हो रही है।

A wagtail on shared space, birdwatching and hope

'Wagtails feed on insects and protect our ecosystem' say the local children, who now observe birds and make checklists.

What Problems Does Organic Cotton Solve?

The author tracked years of decision-making and untangled what sorts of things work, and for whom, in sustainable smallholder agriculture.

आत्मनिर्भर खेती की ओर (in Hindi)

किसानों ने सैकड़ों पीढ़ियों से तरह-तरह के गुणधर्म वाले देसी बीज तैयार किए हैं।

Nature’s profusion

One realizes that as an individual one is made of the fabric of the collective