Where are the Commons?

She obviously had a strong ethical core and possessed the wisdom to understand that some spaces must be common to all and unfenced.

On the Other Side of the Wall

"Look at this age- it’s the age of medicine- people, plants everything subsists on ‘dawai’ – it is an age of duplicity – it looks good from outside, empty from inside. "

Maker Magic

Maker spaces are drawing everyone from artists creating movie props to hobbyists making furniture and youngsters building drones and robots.

Schoolchildren turn wetland warriors

The group has already collected about 3,000 signatures in two phases, besides engaging fellow students in discussions on the campaign.

Balaknama Might Just Be The Most Unique Newspaper In The Country

Sold for Re.1, the paper runs on a contribution of Rs.5 per month from each kid, that helps in funding their basic education, as well as the newspaper

Malnad will leave you with food memories

The theme for this year’s Mela is traditional seeds and cuisine, and transformation/healing.

मेरी अभिव्यक्ति – My Learning in and through Theatre (in Hindi)

थिएटर की दुनिया में एक अलग तरह की आज़ादी है जहाँ मैं खुल के जी पाता हूँ, अपनी सोच रचनात्मकता तरह से दुसरो के सामने रख पाता हूँ, बे झिझक सवाल पूछ सकता हूँ

Universal Basic Income in India – a promising experience

The Rs.7 lakh crores being spent on the poor annually are sufficient to give Rs.4000 per family per month to the lowest 60% income level families.

Reviving a River, Reviving a Lost Culture

Tribal elders in downstream communities seek restoration of Myntdu River that has been destroyed by decades of coal mining.