women peasants
Small Sustainability Initiative changes women’s lives in a big way

The transition to organic farming has allowed people to save Rs. 400 every season. The quality of soil has also improved.

In the words of Sunita Kashyap: “We believe in trade, not aid”

Demand for reduced taxes on trading for women’s collectives to help them effectively participate in value chains and get income security.

Millet Sisters symbolize Nari Shakti !

Millet Sisters bases itself on these sterling principles of millets: They are resilient; Life infusing; Life sustaining; Life generating

Indian women grow their own future

Men may have benefited the most: there have as yet been no reported suicides in households where women have taken charge.

Millets farming, the Kondh Way

“Whatever I obtain from my field feeds my family, our community; the birds, the insects and the animals who visit my field. Everyone is full!”

Niyamgiri tribe revive wild harvests after Vedanta victory

Increasing farmers’ access to a variety of traditional seeds and planting materials will make them more resilient to climatic hazards.

Pune NGO for women farmers wins UN Equator Prize

SSP’s climate-resilient farming model gives cultivation rights of a small piece of land, which is usually half or one acre, to women from marginal families.

Poor Women Craft Their Destiny

A compelling and inspiring story of resolute perseverance, of the power of the human spirit, and of the dignity of people struggling to escape poverty.

Maharashtra seed mother pioneers conservation of native varieties

She supplies farmers with seedlings of native crops, encouraging them to switch to native varieties.