women empowerment
The art of foraging: How indigenous people can be the influencers we need

Foraging, which is a part of the received wisdom of many indigenous communities, can offer a sustainable solution to the inevitable food crisis.

Dongria Kondh Tribals Take on Corporate Goliaths to Save Forests

The Niyamgiri Suraksha Samiti and the MSS are demanding the immediate recognition of Community Forest Rights and Individual Forest Rights of tribals to their forests, as mandated under the FRA 2006.

Hakki Pikki: The global nomads of Karnataka 

The Hakki Pikkis are an entrepreneurial community. Theirs is an economy of subsistence and the marginalised. Their trade networks do not conform to the known notions of the ‘poor’.

Chasing Soppu: A guide to wild edible plants in Bengaluru

Urban foraging of edible plants in Bengaluru.

The Ladakhi Story In A Grain

Through barley, the mela projected an inter-connected web of life and how the death of any one of those nodes disturbs the entire web leading to ills and illnesses of many kinds. 

Greening Mother Earth: How Vanvadi In Maharashtra Is Reclaiming Forests For A Cause

This regenerated, natural ‘forest-farm’ with its pristine, unpolluted environment, is ideal to pick up lessons in biodiversity and sustainable living

हरियाली से स्वावलंबी बनता गांव (In Hindi)

पेड़ लगाने, जल संरक्षण, जैविक खेती इत्यादि काम करने से यह विस्थापित गांव आत्मनिर्भर बन रहा है|

Indigenous Farmers to Revive Millet cultivation in Kanthalloor

Twenty-five farmers from indigenous communities in Kanthalloor in Kerala are sowing millets with renewed vigour.

पर्यावरण के साथ आजीविका की रक्षा (In Hindi)

महाराष्ट्र के भीमाशंकर वन्य जीव अभयारण्य में आदिवासी जंगल व ज़मीन का अधिकार लेने की प्रक्रिया में जुटे हुए हैं।