Alternative paradigm of development – Tagore & Gandhi

A developed society fosters creativity of human mind, is peaceful, inclusive, connected with love, affection & friendship

Karnataka: Tradition to the rescue

“The rejuvenation of tanks and kalyanis has helped in changing the landscape in a big way. Tanks of the district are still full of water."

Swaraj at 70: The concept of aazadi is no longer enough

... to explore the state of Swaraj at 70 - in finance, politics, agriculture, human rights, food sovereignty, culture, conflict resolution.

An Incredible Story of a Family That Made a Forest, an Eco-Village and Lives Medicine-Free

Going back to nature also means giving up the illogical ways of modern medicine, for Dr Pravin Chordia.

What We Can Learn From the Young Woman Who Has Rocked the Madhya Pradesh Police

Taking on the system at every level – administrative, social and cultural – this young survivor of sexual assault is a brilliant survivor.

Millets farming, the Kondh Way

“Whatever I obtain from my field feeds my family, our community; the birds, the insects and the animals who visit my field. Everyone is full!”

मालवा के कबीर से एक मुलाकात (In Hindi)

कबीर भजनों के साथ साथ बातचीत करना, चाय पीना, दोस्ती बढ़ाना और अपने दुख-दर्दों को आपस में बांटना और इन भजनों में इसके समाधान ढूंढ़ना, लोगों को इससे जोड़ता है।

Magic in the desert and New Year

What was this world where we could be ourselves, sauntering around in night suits and unkempt looks without getting a second stare?

Sattvik food aroma suffused with wisdom

The festival (in its 14th year now) is creating awareness about the nutrient-rich food from various areas so that urban people can adopt healthier food habits and lifestyle.