Festival of Uncultivated Food: Weeding out the myths

Edible plants and crops which we ignoramuses tend to dismiss as weeds, are plants that grow without their seeds being sown and alongside other crops.

An alternative school in rural Kerala is teaching tribal children life lessons

Gothrathalam school aims at preventing Dalit and Adivasi students from being isolated

The Centre Cannot Hold: How GN Devy challenges our concept of knowledge

Devy is now at the frontline of the war over knowledge, language and politics.

Self-rule by Adivasis could end Maoism

Adivasis make 99% of the Maoist movement, and most of them are fighting to save their forest, land and dignity

Can Baiga millet be part of mainstream?

Sikiya is an extra produce the Baigas get without even cultivating it. It has about 12 to 12.5 per cent protein.

The forest in Shanti teacher’s classroom

Shanthi Kunjan, an Adivasi and degree-holder, is a primary school teacher. She wants education for tribal students to be relevant and accessible

The indigenous doctors and Healers of Chhattisgarh

Knowledge and a respect for ecology still enables the local traditional healers to ensure immense faith and following by Chhattisgarh folk.

An Anti-Forest Policy: Rhetoric or Sleight of Hand?

A government intent on “building on our rich cultural heritage” and “participatory”, would provide the adivasis rightful space for self-governance

This Indian Language can be written by only 100 people

The need for a standard language for education and administration is more urgent in the conflicted regions the Gondi tribes inhabit