The tribal school of Kechala

Don't go there for a day or two - it's just too less

PM sees in Chhattisgarh’s Radio Bultoo an example worth emulating for farmers

"Radio Bultoo", Chhattisgarh's version of disseminating information through bluetooth-enabled mobile phones in local languages, fascinated the PM

Scholar GN Devy’s Life’s Work Is The Best Reply To Those Rallying For One National Language

"As we become digitally empowered, there's a real danger of a section of people becoming digitally marginalised," he said.

Forest Conservation and Management in Pachgaon

A small village called Pachgaon, in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra has done commendable work on forest management and livelihood generation.

Liberative communication for Genuine participation

Masses of the rural poor can liberate themselves not only from regressive tradition but also from manipulation, control and exploitation of elite oriented mass media communication

Tribal women corner the market on India’s heat-hardy black goats

The goat-selling cooperative, created by a coalition of women's self-help groups serves 192 tribal villages.

Stewards of Food Culture and Biodiversity: Voices from the Northeast

Indigenous communities of Northeast India are guardians of its unique biodiversity and food culture.

Why Odisha’s Tribal Women Are Returning to Their Natural Roots for Guidance on Food

These women are going back to their native wisdom to, at least, secure the health of their coming generations.

Experts stressed revival of millet farming in Odisha

Millets farming does not need fertilizers and pesticides to grow and also can be cultivated in low irrigated and even non-irrigated areas.