Traditional Knowledge
पक्षियों का गांव है मेनार (IN HINDI)

तरबूज-खरबूज की खेती छोड़ी पक्षियों के लिए !

A farm where native wisdom is fully at work

His “unscientific’ innovations have impressed veterinarians so much that they have come to recommend them for others.

The dyers of Kotpad

Kotpad brick reds are among the most beautiful organically dyed reds in Indian handlooms

Slow food festival held in Kotagiri

Tribal groups brought tubers, greens, millets and even milk from indigenous cattle that have been used by them for many generations.

Indigenous Peoples Day: Through the Lens of Women

Sensing the urgency to document traditional knowledge that elders possess, Chirhah has helped make films like ‘Millet-Securing livelihoods’

It is hard to Understand What is Private and What is Common

Adivasi Food Festival-2017 was a celebration of a tradition that has seen many a loss but still has refused to succumb to misfortune

Seed festival throws up millet cultivation as best option

More than 10 varieties of millets and 60 varieties of vegetable seeds were also on display for the farmers in the district.

DDS campaign for local seeds

DDS starts initiative to create awareness on local crops

How Bidar beat back the drought

As Karnataka reels under drought, an academic is helping restore indigenous systems that were Bidar’s water lifeline 600 years ago.