Not Green, but Greenwash

A lasting technological solution to ecological challenges leads to the next generation of ecological problems.

Chemistry Nobel Prize has a rural Odisha connection

The Maligaon Solar Micro-Grid is the first instance where a village level electricity generation unit has used Lithium Ferro-Phosphate batteries.

Youth of northeast India use films to tell stories about their environment and communities

The use of a visual medium helps transcend the differences in language across the northeast region

Dump the AC, Use These 3 Green Cooling Solutions While Building Your Home!

"Everything we build from now onwards has to be eco-sensitive, energy efficient, cost efficient, people-centred and value-based."

Plastic ban in J&K opens door for revival of wicker crafts

“If the government takes a firm decision that the ban on plastic, will be strictly implemented, our craft can give rise to an important industry..."

India’s growing solar power programme could leave behind a trail of waste

A few materials used in the solar panel, like polymers, lead and cadmium compounds, are potentially environmentally hazardous.

B’luru Residents Turn Kitchen Waste Into 100 Kg of Biogas, Help Eatery Cook 3,000 Meals/Day!

Four tonnes of processed domestic waste generate 100 kg of bio-gas which is used by a restaurant to cook 3,000 meals a day.

From This Wounded Forest: A Dispatch

... I’m preparing myself to dismantle the machine, and the system that supports it, before it devours the planet, my home.

Recrafting Indian education

Will our children thank us for equipping them well for a future that is unclear?