sustainable prosperity
Uttarakhand govt. to purchase millets, food grains directly from farmers

Apart from benefiting farmers, the scheme would also benefit thousands of school going children.

To beat the drought, women farmers of Anantapur have entered the millet revolution in Andhra

With government support, they are now falling back to their traditional farming practices for a better living.

Ancient Gond wells yield water all year

An underground stream collects water from a stream located about 15 kilometres away in this ancient well, which serves the needs of the village.

Udaipur’s Gati Gaum Becomes Rajasthan’s First Internationally Certified Organic Village

Most credit must go to Gati’s residents who have always protected their fields from agro-chem pollution as part of their native traditions.

The big deal about the small grains

These small grains are filled with nutrition, and are the ultimate survival food, as they can grow in the harshest of climates and the poorest of soils

Organic farming gains ground in Sundargarh

About 2,000 hectares are under organic farming with a target to expand to more areas to get rid of ‘chemical farming’

Grounded in Communities: People-Powered Alternatives Spark Hope in Kachchh

Spotlighting grassroots voices and faces that are amplifying ecological alternatives to promote dignified livelihoods, sustainable agriculture and traditional arts

Banni pastoralists see success in battle for survival

“After 10 years of use, a Nano car would go to Bhangarwala (mechanical waste collector) whereas Banni Buffalo will produce at least four new buffaloes,”

Why an Engineer with an MBA Degree Is Now Building a Model Village in Andhra Pradesh

To build a ProtoVillage that will exemplify abundance - this is the dream of Kalyan Akkipeddi.