हिम तेंदुआ को कैसे बचाते हैं लद्दाखी? (In Hindi)

लद्दाख मेंं हिम तेंदुआ व वन्य जीवों को बचाने के साथ आजीविका की रक्षा भी हुई है। बढ़ते पर्यटन के दौर में बिना पर्यावरण के नुकसान के जवाबदेह व समावेशी पर्यटन की राह भी दिखाई है।

The Art of Weaving in Lahaul’s Upper Valleys

Weaving as visual art that reflects stories about people, their communities, and their place in the universe. It symbolizes the value of creation, interconnectedness, and rejuvenation

मरुभूमि में पानी की रिश्तेदारी (In Hindi)

राजस्थान के तालाब सैकड़ों सालों से सदानीरा है। इन पानीदार परंपराओं की सार-संभाल गांववालों ने की है। अब इन्हें संभालने का जिम्मा युवा और महिलाओं ने लिया है।

Decoding Politics: Of, in, about Food

A woman farmer teaching the politics of food to city-based college students and village-based organic farmers.

The Commons of Dantewada

Building a resilient and self-reliant community in Dantewada by connecting organic farmers to markets.

The revival of millets is improving the lives of tribespeople in Odisha

The festival celebrates the ancient practice through which farmers exchange indigenous heirloom seeds, also with the younger generation, passing down their knowledge alongside the heirloom seeds."

Living bioregionally, now

One compelling idea being put forward is that of bioregional forms of governance, which start from the biophysical realities of ecosystems, which are particular and even unique to places.

Organic takeover: How 10,000 farmers of Telangana, Andhra are steering a silent movement

A federation of farmer-producer organisations has tapped into the growing organic market to help members raise incomes

At 75, is India behaving like a responsible elder? Its ecological record does not indicate it is…

How can livelihood security and dignity be ensured for hundreds of millions of people in ways that also ensure ecological security?