What you can repair is what you own

The right to enjoy, manage and alienate his belonging, be it movable or immovable - ‘If you can’t fix it, you don’t own it.’

सामुदायिक वन अधिकार और महामारी : ग्राम सभा ने दिखाई राह

ग्रामवासियों का स्थानीय प्राकृतिक संसाधनों पर अधिकार, उनके आर्थिक सशक्तिकरण को बढाता है

Handmade collective goes online

... to help farmers, weavers, spinners and dyers, who are all part of the cotton value chain and were affected by the pandemic

Nagaland Students Setup Mini Hydropower Plant, Power Highway Street Lights

“Project Brighter Khuzama is wholly funded by like-minded locals and not by any governmental organisations."

Pune: Bavdhan Residents To Observe ‘No Vehicle Day’ On First Sunday Of Every Month

You can walk, run, cycle, use public transport but not start your two-wheeler or your car

KASKOM: Revival of Desi Cotton

Kaskom - connecting the Khadi people across the country to work with Indigenous (desi) cotton.

Faced with today’s crisis, what would Gandhi do?

If we would limit our greed, excessive production, unnecessary consumption, hedonistic travel, and mad transport, ...

Gandhi’s relevance in the time of global crises

For Gandhi, swaraj had to be built ‘bottom-up’, from the village outwards across the landscape ...

In the pursuit of ‘Khushaal Zindagi’- Journey of villagers from being Beneficiary to Researcher

The discussion on the imagination of ‘Khushaal zindagi’ (Good Life) brought different age and sex groups to talk to each other.