हरवलेला रास्ता (in Marathi)
सुप्रीम कोर्टाने हा रस्ता वैज्ञानिक आधाराचा अभाव असलेला व पूर्णतः धोकादायक असल्याचा निवाडा दिला
A Road to nowhere
The road was adjudged to be completely unscientific and dangerous.
With Sickle and Stick They Saved a Forest
A story of transformation of village women into an unwavering collective which can stand for its rights and for values they cherish.
Knowing our rivers better before changing them
"We need to establish river monitoring systems, sharing data with scientists, farmers and fisherfolk to understand the dynamics of our river systems."
What does the Cauvery water conflict teach us?
Even in a difficult year the available waters have to be shared.