social issues
Of the students, by the students, for the students

Their clarity of thought, sensitivity towards others and the ability to look inwards were rare and presented a hope for a positively different society

Migrant Schools

Yusuf Mehrally Center provides thousands of children with their only chance to go to school

Usha, dawn of hope and dignity

The Usha Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd. is not just a bank but a life-changing platform for nearly 23 thousand sex workers in Kolkata

Open House

At Lamakaan, Hyderabad, programmes are consciously centred around events that matter to the city and its conscience.

Universal Basic Income in India – a promising experience

The Rs.7 lakh crores being spent on the poor annually are sufficient to give Rs.4000 per family per month to the lowest 60% income level families.

Kids in India Are Sparking Urban Planning Changes by Mapping Slums

A new project aims to give young Indians a voice in the city-development process.

Social Innovators in Udaipur: Interview with Santosh Padwal

In the race (of life in current times) we have forgotten the cultural heritage that we have inherited. And we want to bring it back into popular existence.

The real-world Khan

His mission is to rescue his fellow faithful from religious fundamentalism, bring them into the country’s mainstream, present a peaceful picture of Islam, and eventually create a humanitarian secular society in India.

University Without Classrooms, Teachers, Degrees, Curriculum, Exams: Swaraj University

Democratic education has helped khojis be more tolerant, patient and learn to look at other’s point of view- which is very essential in today’s living.