seed diversity
How to create an Oasis

They are replacing the invasive species - gando babool - with mixed varieties of native seeds that can withstand heavy /normal /low rainfall

How India’s Indigenous Farmers Are Successfully Resisting Climate Change

They let at least ten species of pests, insects, ants, flies, earthworms, spiders, birds and other pollinators to thrive on their lands.

In the age of seed companies, free distribution aims to preserve native paddy

If a farmer collects 2 kg of Seeraga samba variety of paddy, he must repay with 4 kg of seeds after harvest.

Millets in the Indian Plate: A Policy Perspective

Millets have a potential role in resolving ­nutrition-related problems of the country though there are challenges from the demand side.

Farming for Healing

What does it take to create and maintain an organic medicinal farm, in the face of rampant development?

Securing Livelihoods – The Paderu Story

Overcoming the challenges of rainfed agriculture by cultivating diversified, robust, climate resilient and culturally entrenched millets

Kondh Ingenuity: An Unsentimental Reverence to Nature

In the month of April, at the Bihan Parab festival, people come together to share seeds for the upcoming cultivation cycle, ensuring equity.

Drought-resistant crops in focus at monsoon seed festival

The festival has brought 32 seed saver groups from across Karnataka State together

Climate change threatens India’s crop production, rice yields may be hit hard

Yields of millets, sorghum and maize showed better resilience to extreme weather and also witnessed smaller declines during droughts.