Nutritional Security
This Hyderabad-based organisation has helped over 2.5 lakh farmers through permaculture

Aranya Agricultural Alternatives is striving to achieve ecological and sustainable agricultural livelihoods through permaculture farming.

More CO2 In The Atmosphere Produces Food Crops Shorn Of Essential Nutrients

“The consumption of millets is lower down on the agenda of policy makers as well as the community... need campaigns to popularise millets again."

Why do conservationists hide when the bees dwindle?

It’s time the country’s policymakers and researchers turned their attention to insect-benefitting agriculture

Seed stories: A festival that brings urban youth closer to their roots

Farmers across the country brought their stories to the forum, along with their seeds, getting to know traditional agricultural practices of other states.

The colour of the skin

Don’t rinse away the skin of your dals. Not only do they add texture and health to your food but also help small farmers

Udaipur’s Gati Gaum Becomes Rajasthan’s First Internationally Certified Organic Village

Most credit must go to Gati’s residents who have always protected their fields from agro-chem pollution as part of their native traditions.

Riches of the soil – the wealth in local knowledge systems

Dependence on uncultivated foods adds a richness to diets, which has saved many lives during times of calamity.

Sattvik food aroma suffused with wisdom

The festival (in its 14th year now) is creating awareness about the nutrient-rich food from various areas so that urban people can adopt healthier food habits and lifestyle.

Millets should be in PDS, says lobby

On the MiNI's national campaign to bring millets (which are nutritious and suit India's agro-climatic conditions) into the PDS.