India needs a rainbow recovery plan
... sustainable livelihoods, to be built on regenerating and safeguarding the soil, natural ecosystems, water, biological diversity, and air.
Shaheen Bagh and the politics of love
... the vocabulary it developed, in homespun idiom, of love as resistance, and of confident equal citizenship.
A phone is not enough
'Meaningful connectivity” demands regular internet access, an appropriate device, enough data and a fast connection
Smartphones to map invasive plants in Tamil Nadu
Maps of vegetation are scientifically compiled from contributions by students who get to understand adverse impacts of invasive plants.
Women forest guides pave new paths in Chhattisgarh
Being forest guides comes organically to the women as they have been born and bred in the same forest.
Delhi’s social Butterflies: Why the city’s citizen scientists are counting butterflies in crowded residential areas
They flutter like eyelashes, dip like fish, or float languidly in an undulating rhythm that is mesmerising to watch, like ripples on a lake.
How Ancient Grains and a Seed Bank Turned Life Around for Rural Women
Why do farmers need to organise a Beej Utsav?
Alternative paradigm of development – Tagore & Gandhi
A developed society fosters creativity of human mind, is peaceful, inclusive, connected with love, affection & friendship
In a Pickle
amla (wild and cultivated gooseberry), star gooseberry, hog plum (amtekai), kokam , ginger, star fruit ( carambola), bamboo shoot, pepper, tamarind, ...