How development excludes Adivasi peoples

Spaces need to be created for inter-generational learning for young Adivasi peoples, where adults in the community can impart local knowledge

A warning note

A song that is an ultimatum to the authorities that the community will protect what is rightfully theirs

Indian Students Mail 20,000 Plastic Food Wrappers Back to Manufacturers

Producers, importers and brand owners — not municipalities — are responsible for collecting plastic waste left by their products.

We need to go beyond self-interest or we’re doomed: Jean Drèze

There is a natural complementarity between research and action which means using non-violent, democratic means to bring about change.

What cities must do to stay sustainable and resilient

Citizens’ campaigns in large cities are pushing their governments to bring together the questions of urban infrastructure, ecology and governance.

Does Raising Questions on the Rights of Adivasis Make Me a ‘Deshdrohi’?

The (Samatha) judgment was meant to provide safeguards for adivasis to control the excavation of minerals in their lands...

Heritage in every grain

"We give each farmer (signing a pledge to use organic methods) two kilos of seed; they bring double the quantity back the next year, ”

Organic Food Is a Topic of Much Debate, but What Does “Eating Organic” Really Mean?

A bottom-up movement is essential therefore to apply pressure on the powers-that-be at least over a period of a few decades.

ACT one: Anti-dam, pro-people

"... We should also start coming up with new ideas, showing alternatives (to livelihood).”