How India’s Indigenous Farmers Are Successfully Resisting Climate Change
They let at least ten species of pests, insects, ants, flies, earthworms, spiders, birds and other pollinators to thrive on their lands.
Farmers Are Building Food Forests to Fight Climate Change, Agrarian Crisis
Mimicking forests, farmers across India have started transforming farms into a layered cropping system - climate resilient and more productive.
64-year old finds success through native paddy
"Raghupathi was successful mainly because he worked hard, following the basics of organic farming,"
A rice, lost and found
The rice, endemic to Kerala, adapted to the salinity of the coastal areas. To survive the tides the plant grew taller - to 1.5 meters.
Where children Defy odds to make a future
After a few months, I can hand over the responsibility of the space to the locals who take ownership of everything, including the financials.
One person’s pest is other’s pet
Meeting a city-based bee conservationist was a real eye-opener
अलीराजपुर में कैशलेस जीवन की झलकियाँ (in Hindi)
आदिवासी गाॅवों में हमने चौदह वर्ष लगभग कैशलेस तरीके से बिताये। सच में बिना कैश के। चूल्हा भी औरतें खुद ही बना लेती थीं। खाना हाथ से ही होता था।
The Future of Learning
Groups of Indian street children learned to use computers and the Internet by themselves...
Bhaskar Save, the Gandhi of Natural Farming
Veteran farmer Bhaskar Save's organic farm yields more than any farm using chemicals, going by any criteria including total quantity, nutritional quality, taste, biological diversity, ecological sustainability, water conservation, energy efficiency, and economic profitability.