Dissolution of traditional Adivasi structures for modernity

"There are a lot of lessons to be learnt from Adivasi communities, which have an equitable structure and provide opportunities for everyone to grow.”

A new tribe of storytellers is using every trick in the book to keep you rapt

How to give children of the digital generation a sense of earth - may be through stories ?

We need to go beyond self-interest or we’re doomed: Jean Drèze

There is a natural complementarity between research and action which means using non-violent, democratic means to bring about change.

Delhi’s social Butterflies: Why the city’s citizen scientists are counting butterflies in crowded residential areas

They flutter like eyelashes, dip like fish, or float languidly in an undulating rhythm that is mesmerising to watch, like ripples on a lake.

Gutter gas fueled tea boosts chaiwala’s livelihood

Can a Chai stall be run with Zero expenditure on Energy?

Kole Birders: Learning habitat conservation from the birds

Conservation understanding will naturally come with the understanding about birds.

The Centre Cannot Hold: How GN Devy challenges our concept of knowledge

Devy is now at the frontline of the war over knowledge, language and politics.

What would a thriving rural space look like?

Understanding that the more important role of the pond was to recharge underground reservoirs and if the water stays longer more will percolate...

Sparks from a conversation

We need to work towards approximate and imperfect solutions — those that are attainable and will have us at peace.