जनता पार्लमेंट – आरोग्याच्या सत्रा मध्ये पारित ठराव, दि.16 आँगस्ट 2020 (in Marathi)

300 पेक्षा अधिक आरोग्यकर्मी, इत्यादींचा सहभाग, ५ विषयांवर चर्चा व अनेक ठराव पारित 

जनता पार्लमेंट : दि.१८ आँगस्ट २०२० रोजी पर्यावरण सत्रात पारित ठराव (in Marathi)

पर्यावरण सत्रांत ८ विषयांवर ३० पेक्षा अधिक प्रस्ताव पारित केले गेले 

जनता संसद : पर्यावरण सत्र में पारित प्रस्ताव, 18 अगस्त, 2020 (in Hindi)

८ विषयों पर ३० से अधिक प्रस्ताव पारित किये गए

Stop messing with the environment and people’s rights!

There is serious inequality in who causes the problem and who is most badly affected, a situation of grave ecological injustice

People’s Parliament: Agrarian Crisis Deepened During COVID Pandemic

The house adopted a series of resolutions that will be tabled before parliamentarians in the run-up to the monsoon session

Janta Parliament: Resolutions Passed in Session on Environment, 18 August 2020

Over 30 resolutions relating to eight subjects passed at the Environment session

Jan Sarokar – People’s Policy for Post COVID-19 Times, August 2020

Opportunity to redesign our economy towards generating tens of millions of ecologically sustainable and dignified livelihoods.

‘A displaced marginal farmer from Karnataka is unlikely to be hired by Infosys’: P Sainath (in this Book Excerpt)

Traditional livelihoods can be made appealing/aspirational for the younger lot, when growth itself comes THROUGH JUSTICE.

Collective Dreaming: Democratic Visioning in the Vikalp Sangam Process

What is our vision of a better future? What are our answers to questions of poverty, hunger, energy insecurity, and other deprivations?