Parisar Founder and Trustee Sujit Patwardhan passes away
Mr. Patwardhan was one of the first to provide a vision of sustainable transport for the city based on walking, cycling and public transport.

Car-free Shimla
Activating and transforming the civic sensibilities around the issue of keeping Shimla car-free, and thereby, empowered the arguments favouring the car-free policy in the court.

Stakeholders raise concerns on the new vehicle scrapping policy
Is it practical - to set up the huge infrastructure, for around 50% of India's goods carriers?

Goonj Initiative Helps Bihar Villagers Build Bamboo Bridge Amid Floods
With 250 pieces of bamboo sticks, the determined locals toiled for five days to build a 400-metre-long and 1.5-metre-wide bridge.

4,000 kids draw up ‘children’s manifesto’ ahead of assembly polls (Assam)
The manifesto will be presented to the current political leadership, as well as all major political parties

A phone is not enough
'Meaningful connectivity” demands regular internet access, an appropriate device, enough data and a fast connection

Capacity building for water conservation needs: A young mind at work
The community was educated, their trust gained, and constant support provided to them

सौर ऊर्जा से रोशन होते आदिवासी गांव (in Hindi)
जो महिलाएं कभी घर से बाहर निकली थीं, वे गांव गांव जाकर सोलर बल्ब की मरम्मत कर रही हैं।

An Art-storm for the Northeast Forests
Students of Northeast India stage huge protests against environmental clearances given during lockdown, with a deluge of artwork on social media.