How a Remote Bihar Village Ushered in an Organic Farming Revolution in Just 4 Yrs

"They also went through communication training, so that they can negotiate with the authorities without fear"

Millet farmers devise mechanism to counter Climate Change

Millets - our heritage crops - are highly nutritious and climate resilient. They ensure food, nutrition, fodder, ecological and livelihoods security.

Women conquer climate emergency in Marathwada

Sustainable and diversified agriculture is the only solution to stop deepening India’s agrarian crisis.

जैविक खेती की ओर मुड़े बिरहोर (in Hindi)

जलवायु बदलाव को देखते हुए देसी बीजों की मिश्रित खेती को बढ़ावा दिया जा रहा है।कोदो, कुटकी, धान की देसी किस्में,जो कम पानी में भी पक जाती हैं।

Why I wrote a book on Dalit food

In Mumbai they were introduced to supposedly iconic Maharashtrian dishes vada pav and misal - unheard of in Marathwada!

How to Save Forest Culture? ‘Silent’ Battle by Odisha’s Kondhs is The Right Lesson

The men, women and children from every family worked on a war footing to replant, restore and replenish the beauty of their aboriginal mother – the jungle.

How millet farming empowers women

The Millet Sisters Network trains women across the country in organic farming by using vermicompost, farm manure and cow products.

The jackfruit man

“Jackfruit is a kalpavriksha, a tree of God. Every part of it is useful..."

A Relationship with seeds – the Paataalkot story (a translation)

Dahiya Farming assures nutrition and food security, besides saving agro-biodiversity