food security
महामारी में आत्मनिर्भरता की पहल (in Hindi)

थार के मरुस्थल में महिलाओं ने महामारी का मुकाबला हस्तकला से किया। उरमूल संस्था ने उन्हें मास्क बनाने, कढ़ाई, बुनाई, कशीदाकारी का प्रशिक्षण दिया।

पेड़ लगानेवाली महिलाएं (in Hindi)

वनों की सुरक्षा के साथ आजीविका की सुरक्षा व पोषण व खाद्य सुरक्षा भी होगी

Recognising the role of pastoralists in agrarian development

Migration to fertile crop fields has been the norm for pastoralists to overcome environmental variabilities

Why the ancient myristica swamps need more protection

The evergreen trees living in the waterlogged conditions of the swamps feature bizarre-looking roots: knee roots and stilt roots.

आदिवासियों की उम्मीद थे देबजीत सारंगी (in Hindi)

आदिवासियों से सीखते हुए वे परंपरागत ज्ञान पर आधारित उनकी आजीविकाओं को पुनर्जीवित करने की कोशिश कर रहे थे।

This toll-free helpline is helping people in Maharashtra cope with Covid fatigue, anger, panic

With several adolescents reaching out for help, 15 more counsellors now exclusively address their concerns. 9594972342

Self help is the best help – Indigenous farmers stand strong against economic slowdown

An initiative to sell local produce has enabled the farmer groups to access diverse local markets in a decentralized manner

Productive Efficiency Of Traditional Multiple Cropping Systems Compared To Monocultures Of Seven Crop Species: A Benchmark Study

These family farms support cereals, fruit trees, tuber plants, vines, herbs, and vertebrate and invertebrate fauna

Uncultivated foods – The hidden treasure

They are now involved in creating Food Forest for in-situ conservation of these wild food sources inside the forest