गोंड गांवों में सीढ़ीनुमा खेती की स्वीकृति की कहानी (in Hindi)

मध्य प्रदेश के सिंगरौली ज़िले के किसानों ने मिटटी रोकने और उपज बढ़ने के लिए पहाड़ी के ढलान में बनाया सीढ़ीनुमा खेत

How Gond villages took to terrace farming

Under the guidance of a farmer from Himachal Pradesh, farmers of Madhya Pradesh had made farm-terraces on their sloping land.

मेघपुष्प : जीवसृष्टीचा मूळ आधार (in Marathi)

पुरुषवाडी खेड्यातील लोकांनी व तज्ज्ञांनी घेतलेल्या सामूहिक परिश्रमांमुळे पाणी टंचाईवर उपाय

Every Drop Counts: How a Village in Maharashtra Transformed Parched Land to Lush Fields

How the collective efforts of Purushwadi villagers and experts helped contain the water crisis in the village.

A Village of Abundance

Giving up the practice of law for the sake of farming, he learns from and empowers local 'uneducated' people.

Sarus Crane Population in Bhoj on the Rise Due to Community Effort

As their practices were harming the birds, the farmers decided to start using organic fertilisers and pesticides since 2013.

The duo who revolutionized the folk culture of Rajasthan

An institute that set the ball rolling in the field of folklore, art and music in Rajasthan.

Proto-Village: A Prototype of a Vikalp Economy

Each one can produce their food, is literate, can think mathematically, are environmentally responsible and physically fit

What Problems Does Organic Cotton Solve?

The author tracked years of decision-making and untangled what sorts of things work, and for whom, in sustainable smallholder agriculture.