farming practices
Minor change in your diet can reduce water use for agriculture

A switch from white meat (poultry) to mutton and other red meat and to consume melon, orange and papaya instead of grapes, mango, guava.

Securing Livelihoods – The Paderu Story

Overcoming the challenges of rainfed agriculture by cultivating diversified, robust, climate resilient and culturally entrenched millets

The Diverging Paths of Two Young Women Foretell the Fate of a Tribe in India

The tribe’s resilience is based on an intellectual heritage—one taught not in writing but in oral lore, manual skills, and naturalist knowledge.

Schools turn nutrition gardens in Mizoram district

To make every school, Anganwadi, child care institution and hostel in Lawngtlai self-sufficient in local fruits and vegetables

Kutch’s Wagad or Kala cotton: Back from the (almost) dead

Desi cotton could replace a majority of the area that is currently under American cotton, in light of climate change-related weather vagaries...

Is permaculture a real solution to agricultural distress?

Ensuring food security and diversity of food, seed security, nurturing of the ecosystem and, more importantly, protecting health of communities.

Owning No Land Couldn’t Stop This Couple From Starting an Organic Revolution!

Each product gives details of farmers' names, villages and contacts. People can directly contact the farmers for their produce.

आदिवासियों के पौष्टिक अनाजों की खेती (in Hindi)

यह पौष्टिक अनाज लोगों को पोषणयुक्त भोजन देंगे। मिट्टी पानी के संरक्षण वाली देसी खेती बचेगी, लुप्त हो रहे देसी बीज बचेंगे, छत्तीसगढ़ की कृषि संस्कृति बचेगी, खाद्य सुरक्षा होगी।

Jal Sahelis quench the thirst of parched villages in Bundelkhand

Jal Sahelis across 200 villages in U.P., M.P. are reviving water harvesting structures and traditional water bodies through community participation.