farming practices
‘Seed bags’ to promote indigenous varieties in Agency

As many as 170 farmers in three of Andhra Pradesh's districts will take up sowing diverse seed varieties in half-acre of land each in kharif 2018.

Women coconut pluckers set to scale new heights

Representatives of the Angamaly block panchayat hope the initiative will not only help empower women in the local body but also offer them jobs

Remembering Dhrubajyoti Ghosh…

... a storehouse of ecological thinking and an ethical anchor that is rarely found in South Asia’s environmental landscape.

A Farm of Hope and New Ideas in Rural Odisha

... provides an alternative to escape from current crisis-ridden and ecologically harmful farming practices creating serious health problems.

ACT one: Anti-dam, pro-people

"... We should also start coming up with new ideas, showing alternatives (to livelihood).”

Reap What You Sow! Mangaluru Students Grow 1.4 Tonnes of Rice on Fallow Land

Students levelled the field, planted seedlings, removed weeds, and finally, last month, harvested their produce.

The sustainable sandhai

The sandhai was a watering hole for people of all age groups to mingle and understand the importance and advantages of a more natural lifestyle.

Reprogrammed for Rural Life

A techie who traded in the comforts and chaos of the city to turn farmer, on what the transformation involved.

Bridging urban-rural divide

Cooperative initiatives that involve urban and rural people to solve problems of villages as well as cities, help to bridge the rural-urban divide