ecological sustainability
Direct selling, adivasi style

The weekly Bissamcuttack market, nurturing the area’s ecologically-attuned agricultural traditions, forges a connection between consumers and farmers

How Thousands of Children in Pune Prevented Over 50 Tonnes of Plastic from Reaching the Sea

Most children, seeing images of marine life and birds choked to death on plastic, connect human practices and the destruction of creatures.

Surviving through Ages

Can trees survive with roots immersed permanently in water? For hundreds of years?? And human communities have protected them?

T.M. Krishna’s Song in Solidarity with Chennai’s Endangered Creek

For the first time ever, a matter of public concern has been rendered in Carnatic music.

Lifeline for People, Forest, Land and Animals: Local River Bandai Revived

The Bandai River is now full of water. The villagers have water for irrigation and groundwater level has also come up. Drinking water crisis is ending

With zero-cost methods, this 68-year-old scientist is fighting farmer suicides in Vidarbha

Only the locally available seeds, local breed of the cow and local soil can make such farming a self-sustainable, no-additional-cost method.

Knowing our rivers better before changing them

"We need to establish river monitoring systems, sharing data with scientists, farmers and fisherfolk to understand the dynamics of our river systems."

What does rights of rivers mean?

This would require challenging government agencies, international “development” views and re-thinking the basic ethics of our societies.

How Assam’s four ponds kept the city from sinking, till now

Guwahati can combat the urban flooding problem by urgently revitalizing these ponds along with hundreds of other ponds and channels.