ecological sustainability
How mangrove nurseries are changing the lives of Odisha women & the forest around them

Mangrove forests act as natural bio-shields against the tidal surges of severe storms and protect the life and property of coastal communities

माटी की महिलाओं की नई राह (in Hindi)

यह एक समावेशी और जवाबदेह पर्यटन का उदाहरण है, जिसमें समुदाय और सैलानियों में संस्कृति का आदान-प्रदान होता है

Tharangini – The Oldest Surviving Hand-Block Printing Studio in Bangalore

Tharangini works towards sustainability of the environment. This is commendable and desirable in other garment and dyeing factories.

SGNP hamlet tackles waste at source to combat man-animal conflict

This is the first hamlet from the park from where no waste will be sent to the landfill

Biodiversity heritage sites could turn out to be a lifeline for India’s conservation efforts

The voluntary character of the process implies an intricate desire within the stakeholders to preserve the land.

MILLETS – The Miracle Grains

Millet farming saves nearly six million litres of water per acre - they can stand up to the crisis of climate change.

A People’s Manifesto for the Western Himalayas Mountain region, April 2019

outlines a region-specific strategy for inclusive, ecologically sound development that takes into account the fragility of the landscape.

On rights, the Congress manifesto scores over the BJP

An alternative approach to well being ... would democratise the economy, promote healthy living and respect rights of nature too.

पातालकोट में बीजों की रिश्तेदारी (in Hindi)

दहिया खेती पोष्टिक अनाज के साथ खाद्य सुरक्षा भी करेगी, जैव विविधता भी बचाएगी।